The Porte Cochere
One of George’s best sculptures at the Pink House is the elegant porte cochere. Here are views before and after this gorgeous addition.
Photo dated Aug 6 1934. Rear view of the house prior to the porte cochere. You can see the new addition to the house by the roof line that goes above the bedroom with the balcony. This addition was where the bunk beds were for the adopted children- they were there in 1987 when the house was sold. The porte cochere extends this balcony over the driveway.
Photo dated Oct 22 1943. A great view of the addition and the arched walkway that led from the driveway to the front of the house. The kitchen door is there. Note the tiny blue arched door under the balcony. Its still there today although a bigger door had to be installed next to it.
A fantastic view of the porte cochere courtesy of the Homewood Preservation Society.
Date Unknown. Est. between 1946-1960. Courtesy of Homewood Preservation Society.
2019 View
2019 Stairs leading up to balcony above Porte Cochere
2019 Steps underneath the porte cochere with handmade Spanish tiles
2019 A wooden angel by Georges greets backdoor guests.